#51: Rumpke Tours and Pit to Plate

Go Smell it on the Mountain!

Following our “best of” dinner last month, we took the opposite direction and decided to head to the trash dump! This month, we are visiting Rumpke Recycling and the Mt. Rumpke Landfill.

Getting Ready for Recycling

Both Ian and the intern were too busy to join us, but the other 5 were ready to go! Our trip began at the Recycling Center in St. Bernard!

Did you know the Rumpke Brothers got their start as pig farmers. They began hauling trash as a way to feed the pigs. Once the FDA banned using garbage as pig feed, they sold the hogs and turned their farm into a landfill.

Recycling began in 1989 and this facility opened in 1991.

These are the items you CAN NOT recycle
Stacy models acceptable paper products!

On to the Landfill!

Mt. Rumpke is one of only 41 landfills in the state of Ohio and contrary to popular belief, it isn’t the highest point in Ohio. Between 7000-8000 tons of trash arrive daily, but at any given time, only 2-3 acres of the 338 acre facility is being used for dumping.

The Weigh Station
The View from the Top

From Trash to Treasure!

Since we were in the area, we headed to Pit to Plate for a quick (and tasty) lunch!

The Last Stop!
Not a very busy lunch

If only Ian and the intern could be here now! As usual, all the food was excellent. The Wrangler sauce is still the champ, and we discovered a new cajun rice dish that makes the perfect side.

The BBQ Sundae
Pulled Pork Platter
Pulled Pork Sammie!
This used to be a Reece

Can’t get enough pictures of landfills and reclamation facilities?? Check out the album below!

One thought on “#51: Rumpke Tours and Pit to Plate”

  1. Kyle,

    Entertaining information about Rumpke. After returning to Columbus I noticed Rumpke did not pick up in our neighborhood today. Did something break while you took the “hard hat” tour?

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