#55: emanu

You’re not going in there to eat monkey, are you?

After walking past many of the finest people in Pleasant Ridge, we arrived at emanu to find a huge crowd!  Thankfully Stacy made a reservation.

Ready for a crowd!

Since most of us were unfamiliar with Ethiopian cuisine, we went for a sampler platter approach.  Unlike most FWDC events, there were no starters and no desserts…this was all main course.  We ordered a mix of chicken, beef, lamp, and vegetable dishes and had them serve family style.  To stick with traditions, we made sure to order 8 portions for six people.

Instead of forks and knives, we used the injera bread to sample the food.

The Platter
Cooked Tartar with Injera
Like Mary, we had a little lamb

Overall, it was pretty good.  The injera does a nice job of tricking you into thinking you are full.  As usual, both Ian and Kyle loved the lentils!  Other than the mess of a wine list, not much to complain about.

I used to be a platter

More than the food, the decor was the highlight of the night.

13 Months of Sunshine!

If that wasn’t enough, Kyle even forced everyone to pay him so he could use his square card reader.

Barbara signs the receipt

The good news is that even if we never come back, we’ll always remember Ian making fun of people with crazy eyes!

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