#56: Tano Bistro

For our November dinner, we drove through the 3rd Ring of Hell and landed in downtown Loveland.  Unfortunately for Tano Bistro, the 45 minute commute (it was raining) created a pretty big hole that it needed to dig out of.

We arrived to find a packed restaurant…on a Tuesday night…in Loveland!  The crowd was a bit older (we saw an Oxygen tank), but no one died during their meal.  Based on this, we were very hopeful.  However, the staff wasn’t quite prepared for the crowd, so ordering was not the easiest process.

We started with a few appetizers and Tano immediately started climbing out of the hole.  The hummus was tasty, but there was very little of it.  We especially enjoyed the prosciutto and cheese wrapped asparagus, but the shrimp may have been the highlight of the starters.

Tasty, but hidden Hummus
How to make asparagus less healthy!

Following the starters, we each had a salad.  Everything was good, but nothing worth writing about…except the fact that all the pictures are blurry.

Iceberg Wedge
House Salad
Beet Salad

As we moved on to the entrees, we had our biggest surprise.  Michael took a risk and ordered the Barramundi.  It was outstanding.

I have a funny name...and I taste delicious!

Kyle’s steak was surprisingly good and cooked perfectly.  The potato casserole was also excellent.

The asparagus was trying to hide the tasty potatoes!

Both the lamb and the pork medallions got decent reviews, but were a slight step down from the others.

Playing the Pork stereotype for this month's meal

The lowlight of the entrees was the GIANT ravioli.  While it looked great on the plate, there was too much ricotta and the fried eggplant left a lot to be desired.


Dessert was a continuation of the strong performance…especially the apple!

Half eaten before remembering the picture
This reminds me of a Van Halen song

Overall, it was a pretty good meal.  A couple of the entrees fell short, but all in all, there were more A’s than C’s on our table.  If nothing else, it’s a great thing for Loveland.  Also, it made us realize that the real estate in Loveland will never be cheap enough to convince us to drive that far everyday!

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